Links to Other Helpful Resources:

Nashville Area

  • If you or your child are in distress and need to talk to someone immediately:

Toll-Free Adult Crisis Line: 855-274-7471

Toll-Free Youth Crisis Lines:

Nashville: 866-791-9221

Rural Middle TN: 866-791-9222

  • Need help finding mental health treatment? Possible resources include:

Mental Health Association of Middle Tennessee

  • Referrals for Other Help:

Tennessee Disability Pathfinder

Help with food, housing, employment, health care, counseling and more, call: 2-1-1

  • To search for other studies at the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center…

click on Study Finder

San Diego Area

  • If you or your child are in acute distress and need to talk to someone immediately:

Access & Crisis Line: 888-724-7240

  • If your child is in acute distress and/or you are concerned about his/her safety:

Emergency Screening Unit: 619-421-6900

  • Other resources:

San Diego Domestic Violence Line: 888-385-4657

Help with food, housing, employment, health care, counseling and more, call: 2-1-1